If you have a report, you may contact the Code of Conduct Committee by emailing conduct@element11.org or filling out the Conduct Report Form

This code of conduct outlines our expectations for participant behavior both at the event and in the year round Burning Man community that exists beyond the event.

The Element 11 organization expects attendees and volunteers to create and maintain a space that is welcoming for all participants.  We do not discriminate on gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, age, or religion.

As an organization and community, we are guided by the Burning Man 10 Principles.  When in conflict with other participants, we use FLAME: Find out, Listen, Analyze, Mediate, Explain.

Participation in Element 11 events is open to everyone; however, continued attendance can be revoked if a participant fails to respect other attendees or behaves in a way that endangers themselves, the events, or the broader community.

Expected behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Consideration and Respect – for fellow participants, the land (owners) and the community around the event.
  • Refraining – from non-consensual demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior.
  • Safety – Be mindful of your surroundings, boundaries, and your fellow participants.
  • Parenting – Ensuring that a minor for which you are responsible always has proper supervision. Adhering to the Minors Policy.
  • Consensual interaction – Consent is the enthusiastic permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
    • Consent must be mutual, affirmative, and given consciously.
    • Consent can be revoked at any time.
    • Consent must be clearly obtained in any situation involving
      • Sexual context
      • Video or photography
      • Physical contact
      • Anytime the participation or experience of another participant may be affected.
    • Individuals who are intoxicated or altered are incapable of consenting.
    • Silence is not consent. Always ask and wait for an enthusiastic yes.

Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to:

Predatory behavior, defined as any unwanted and non-consensual form of the following: intimidation, harassment, stalking, verbal or physical abuse, violence against people or other’s property.

Non-consensual physical contact, including unwelcome sexual interaction.

Repeated excessive intoxication that negatively impacts the event experience for other participants.

Abuse or neglect of Element 11 and/or land owner property, physical or otherwise, such as vandalism, theft of event property, abusing the ticketing process, or impersonating a lead or member of the Element 11 Board of Directors.

Reckless, deliberate, or repeated disregard for one’s own safety or well-being in a manner that demands the intervention of other participants, community members, volunteers, or outside agencies, such as intervention by local law enforcement or fire department staff.

Failing to ensure that a minor for which you are responsible has proper supervision at all times.

Repeated or egregious violations of any and all policies put in effect by Element 11 and/or local authorities.

Consequences of unacceptable behavior:

Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated.  This includes expressions of this behavior at the event, as well as pre- or post-event via phone, social media, or face-to-face communication.

Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.

If a participant engages in unacceptable behaviors, Element 11 may take any action they deem appropriate to ensure the safety or sustainability of the event and its participants.  This action may include, but is not limited to, expulsion from the event without refund, revoking tickets, or removing a volunteer from their shift.

If a participant’s unacceptable behavior is found to be predatory or repeated, an expulsion for the present or following years may be instituted.  There may be an opportunity to appeal and show progress towards resolution of these issues after the following year’s event.

In particularly egregious circumstances, an individual’s ban status may be communicated to other allied events or communities. Be aware that your actions may negatively impact your participation beyond Element 11 community events.

Please refer to the Warning and Ban Policy for details on how Element 11 may take additional actions to bar participants from attending or volunteering at events.

Element 11 or individuals may pursue potential legal action.

What to do if you witness or are subjected to unacceptable behavior:

If you are subjected to unacceptable behavior, notice that someone else is being subjected to it, or have any other concerns:

First, speak up. Ask the person to stop. Say no. 

If you feel unsafe, leave the situation. 

If you feel uncomfortable but the person’s behavior does not cross a line, step away from the situation.

If you need help, ask for it. If someone asks you for help, do your best to help or find someone who can.

Report your concerns to a Ranger or E11 Board Member; these individuals are prepared to assist participants and listen to your concerns. All reports will remain confidential. Detailed notes or other forms of documentation–recorded as soon as reasonably possible–containing the date, time, location, names or descriptions of involved parties/bystanders, and the nature of your concerns are not required but are very helpful in addressing your concerns. 

If you would like to call in law enforcement or need professional medical treatment, Element 11 will support you taking that action.

Finally, if you have reports after the event, report them to our Code of Conduct Committee (see below) using the online Conduct Report Form.  All reports will remain confidential.


The Code of Conduct Committee consists of members of the community who have stepped up to document and review conduct incidents that occurred at the event and in the year-round Burning Man community that exists beyond the event.  Members of this committee are chosen for their dedication to the 10 Principles and safety of the community and are anonymous.

The committee takes in reports, offers empathetic support, assigns a case number, collects accounts from involved parties and witnesses, and – if actionable – writes a recommendation for the Element 11 Board of Directors, who will make the final determination. Our goal is not to determine innocence or guilt; actions taken by the Board are based on assessments of community safety and event continuity, centered on Element 11 events.

All reports are encouraged, although we have limited ability to respond to reports existing outside the scope of Element 11. Additionally, we can only further explore first-hand accounts, as we want to empower those who have experienced boundary crossings and allow them the opportunity to choose if and when they want to disclose.  In order for us to assess these incidents, the people impacted should contact us directly, when they are ready to do so. However, we can document second-hand reports to connect incidents as needed.

You may contact the committee by emailing conduct@element11.org or filling out the Conduct Report Form.

All communications with the Code of Conduct Committee about incidents will remain confidential.

Please note that the committee meets monthly and it may take multiple meetings to review and respond to reports. The committee is also closed for two weeks before and after the Element 11 event. We appreciate your patience during the process.

Thank you to the Great Lakes Experimental Arts, Inc. (G.L.E.A.) for the information used from the Lakes of Fire Code of Conduct.