2024 Parking Pass Info

General Vehicle Pass:

The General Vehicle Pass, priced at $50, allows you to park your vehicle at your campsite for the duration of the event. This pass is ideal for attendees bringing significant gear or shared infrastructure for their camp, offering convenience and accessibility right where you’re staying.

Park and Camp Pass:

The Park and Camp Pass, available for $25, is a new option designed for attendees with minimal gear. With this pass, you’ll park your vehicle in a designated area on the west side of the venue and cannot be parked at your camp. This means you can drop off your stuff at your campsite and then move your car to the Park and Camp area. This arrangement helps minimize vehicle traffic and congestion in camping areas, contributing to a safer and more community-focused environment. Enforcement by rangers, security, and the placement team will ensure compliance for the duration of the event.

Choosing Your Pass:

When selecting a vehicle pass, consider the amount of gear you’re bringing, your mobility needs, and your commitment to reducing vehicle impact within the event space. The General Vehicle Pass offers convenience for those with more extensive camp setups, while the Park and Camp Pass is a great choice for those traveling lighter and supporting sustainability efforts at Element 11.